This is my first entry on my brand new blog... don't really have a clue what to write but I'm sure something will come to me.
I have been into Tri for a couple of years now and this year (2009) is the first year I have competed. I did Skipton Sprint Triathlon, Eton Super-Sprint Triathlon and Coniston Standard Triathlon. Through these 3 tri's I learnt a lot, one of the main things I learnt was being knocked off your bike by a car bloody well hurts (which happened to me during the Coniston Tri). No, seriously though I have learnt a lot and I will add it all into my training and races for 2010 and make it a pretty good year. My future goal for the moment is to complete and Ironman, specifically Nice Ironman, I will do this in 2011 as 2010 is a little too soon and I have wayyyy too much going on. All my training and racing will be gearing me up for it though. 2010 is all about more Oly distance races and the Monaco 70.3 Half Ironman event, making it through these unscathed and building on it for the long distance. Thats pretty much everything, in a nutshell, about my triathlon 'career' so far.

A few other things about me......
Im 24, live in London with my beautiful new wife and we got married in the July just gone. My wife got in contact with Chrissie Wellington to see if she would send something wishing us congrats as a surprise for me - see the attachment below, pretty cool I thought.

I'm a member of a couple of clubs, my main one is Tri London (sorry BCTTT) and I'm also a member of the Bridgtown Cona Testa Triathlon Team (BCTTT), which is more of an online club but still excellent and is run by Darren Roberts (Conehead), author of 'How Triathlon Ruined My Life', which, by the way is an excellent read.
Tri London is based in north London and runs many training sessions through the week, mostly run by experienced members of the club. Its a great club with some extremely talented and knowledgeable triathletes who are happy to share their knowledge FOA!
So all in all, I'm pretty well set-up for a successful season (successful in my own standards - I ain't going to win nothing).
I've been out of the country and not training for the last 3 months so today is my first day back. I managed to gain a substantial amount of weight too. Goals to winter - Train hard and improve base fitness, lengthen my long run to up to 20-25k, work on cycling leg strength on turbo, all-round improve swim and LOSE WEIGHT!
Currently Im sitting at about 77.5 kg, thats 5.5kg more than 3 months ago. I want to be back to 72-73kg by Xmas.
My idea for my plan is going to be something like this (although I intend on forking out for a professional coach to organise me a proper structered training program for the year.
Mon - Club Swim - 6am-730am
Tue - Club Run Session - 6am-7am (with a 2.5mile run there and back also)
Wed - Turbo Session - 6am-7/730am
Thur - Circuit Training 7pm-8pm
Fri - Club Swim - 6am-730am
Sat - Long Run/Ride
Sun - Long Run/Ride
So today's training was in the pool, I didn't go to the club swim as I wanted to see where I stood with my swimming fitness.
100m WU
400m TT = 7m 54s (PB is 7m 25s)
1500m TT = 30m 54 (PB is 28m 10s)
100m WD
Total = 2000m
Im quite happy with that, not a bad starting point.
Sorry this post has been bloody long, they won't all be like this I assure you.
Tomorrow Ill post about my kit.....oh, and my training.