I had entered the ballot for the London Marathon for next year and just received the mail telling me I have been unsuccessful, bugger. They did give me a big red rain jacket with 'Virgin London Marathon' plastered on it, obviously I can't wear it as I haven't bloody done it. Maybe Ill find another way in. All the charity places want minimum amounts raised and they are normally around the £1500 to £2000 mark... doubt I could raise that. If not, Ill try again next year and maybe enter a less popular marathon instead.
Hopped on the turbo this morning and had a hard 1 hour session, I was planning on it being a steady 1.5 hour but once I was on there I notched it up a gear or 2.
I was hoping to go to circuit training tonight but when I reviewed the gyms class times I realised they don't even do it on a Thursday - what a dollop.
Ill have to change my weekly training plan, spin thurs and weds over as circuit training is on on a Wednesday.
Boo hiss to Virgin London Marathon...! From Becca :-)