12.5km run today. I ran along the canal side which is very nice but full of people who walk 4 people wide so you can't get passed... considered dumping a couple of them into the canal but didn't think the ducks would like it so I just yell and grunt so they move... oh, it took me 1hr 15mins.
The purpose of my long runs over the winter is to increase the time I can run, and to keep the heart rate low to teach the body to use fat as fuel, so 6min/km is what I pace myself at. Apparently, sometimes you have to go slower to go faster....
Had the Ipod in, Fake Blood Essential Mix from Radio 1... absolutely bril

Its the Ironman World Championships today in Hawaii, it will start about 5pm-6pm BST. Im hoping Chrissie Wellington can make it 3 years on the trot, that Philip Graves, the 20 year old from York who won Ironman UK this year, will surprise everybody and possibly take the win?! He is a powerhouse on the bike so I wouldn't put it past him - the conditions in Hawaii are slightly different to Yorkshire though, and finally that the members from Tri London who are competing there have excellent races.
There has been news that Lance will be competing in Ironman next year and hopes to

well done chrissie! good job on the run shame about your taste in music...