Saturday - A Tri London group ride saw us heading 70km north to Westmill where there is a small cafe that makes delicious cakes (and bacon buttys apparently, but I resisted on having one) and well deserved coffees. The ride up there was nice, for most of it it stayed dry, a few drops of rain but nothing to cry about. The pace was steady, a nice chatting pace of about 23kph. A couple of mad drivers pipping their horns with impatience and odd hand and mouth signals were seen during the day too.
On the way back it was much harder, after being in a warm cosy little cafe it was bloody hard to get back on the bike when it was pretty god damn cold outside, obviously we had to, we were in the middle of nowhere. We did about 25-30km back to Hertford and this is where myself and another decided to get the train; due to freezing weather and having an appointment to make I thought it would be quicker, but after talking to the other riders today about what time they got home it turns out it was about the same! doh! Also, just after we had split from the 15 or so group we upset an angry driver, this saw him getting out of his car at the train station and yelling in my face and threatening with with a right hook. Oh well, you can't have everything.
Today, Sunday - Tri London hold a winter 5k series, it consists of a race once a month around Regents park. This morning we had a decent turn out of about 10. I ran there, this is near enough 5.5km, and then posted a 5km time of 22:06 and the ran/walked back. The 5k took it out of me and my legs now feel like lead - tomorrow at work won't be fun! All in all today 15km running.
I'm not supposed to be doing any high intensity work at the moment but the 5k series is also a good way to socialise so I thought it wouldn't hurt. I managed to max my HR today at 199bpm.
I have attached the route, it was 2 lap.

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